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Ashampoo Power Up 3.23

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Ashampoo Power Up 3.23
Ashampoo Power Up 3.23

Ashampoo Power Up 3.23 - это неплохая утилита для настройки и изменения множества скрытых параметров Windows 2000/XP/Vista. В Ashampoo PowerUp присутствует возможность изменения настроек таких популярных приложений, как Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office и др. Ashampoo PowerUp вносит определенные изменения в системный реестр и системные файлы, за счет чего изменяются некоторые, порой весьма важные, параметры операционной системы. Сделана Ashampoo PowerUp с учетом последних веяний моды - красивый и интуитивно понятный интерфейс, умеет создавать профили, чтобы при необходимости можно было изменить все заранее настроенные параметры одним кликом, есть диалоговая помощь; кроме этого, Ashampoo PowerUp умеет изменять параметры не только операционной системы, но и таких популярных приложений, как Internet Explorer, Outlook Express и MS Office.


Ashampoo PowerUp 3 is the solution if you don’t want to waste endless hours learning how to configure and maintain Windows, including Windows Vista. It’s a single control center for all your Windows settings and explains everything in simple language. And the new version adds more protection against incorrect settings, more control, more configuration options and makes the whole process easier than ever before. And it comes with a beautiful new graphical design for Windows Vista!

- Windows Vista compatible
- Ready-to-use profiles for instant system tuning
- Risk Level Monitor warns about potentially dangerous settings
- QuickStart Bar for instant access to tweaks and adjustments
- Rescue Center - automatic backup and recovery for configuration changes
- Benchmarking to analyze system performance and locate problem areas
- System Diagnosis generates a full report on all your components
- Automatic System Scan displays the settings relevant for you
- Improved context-sensitive information on all options

New Features:
- Fully compatible with Windows Vista
- Profile Assistant: Helps you to customize your system by modifying existing profiles
- Profile Manager: Create, delete, modify and export your own configuration profiles that you can use to change all your system settings in seconds
- Ready-to-use profiles: A set of professionally tuned profiles for super-fast optimization of your system
- Profile export: Save profiles on external media and apply them independently
- QuickStart Bar: Direct access to tweaks and settings for fast customization of your system
- Automatic System Scan: Adjusts the presentation of all options to match your individual system requirements
- Risk Level Monitor: Warns you about potentially risky settings
- Rescue Center: Records all configuration changes you make and enables you to return to your original settings at any time
- Processes: A management console provides detailed information on active processes and enables you to kill them if necessary
- Services: Recommendations and configuration options for many Windows services - improve performance by disabling unnecessary services
- Benchmarking: Check your system performance with a detailed analysis and report
- Profile Manager: Helps you to optimize system performance and behavior
- System Diagnostics: Generates a detailed report on your computer’s components
- Icon Manager: Saves the layout of the icons on your desktop so that you can restore it if it gets “messed up”
- Skins: Three new skins to change the appearance and style of the program
- Improved setting help: Context-sensitive pop-up descriptions of all settings provide all the information you need on every option
- Improved Windows optimization: For all system areas in Windows 2000, XP and Windows Vista
- Many new settings: A wealth of new options for customizing and the Windows user interface and enhancing performance
- Online Update: Add new tuning options and solve issues and problems quickly
Ashampoo Power Up 3.23
Program Name: Ashampoo PowerUp 3.23
Program Type: Tweaker, Optimizing
Developer: ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG
Home: www.ashampoo.com
Release Date: 02.11.2008
Interface Language: Multilingual
Platform: Windows 2000, XP, Vista
File Size: 12.5 Mb
+ 7% инфы на восстановление вслучае повреждения при загрузке!!!
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