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Spyware Nuker XT Portable

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Spyware Nuker XT Portable
Spyware Nuker XT Portable

Пользователь может и не подозревать, что его любимый компьютер "стучит" на него посторонним лицам, сообщая и передавая личные данные. Spyware Nuker XT - программа для обнаружения и удаления шпионских модулей. Spyware Nuker XT в своей работе сканирует реестр операционной системы, локальные диски, cookies, запущенные процессы и т.д., тем самым, выявляя и обнаруживая SpyWare или AdWare модули. В дальнейшем, обнаруженные вредоносные данные можно удалить. Для безопасного удаления предусмотрена функция отката.

This product will help detect and remove unwanted Spyware and adware on your computer. SpywareNuker will allow you to scan all files and directories on your computer or let you specify certain directories and files to scan. Once the scanning process is complete you have full control over which files are deleted and which files are optionally excluded. You can even restore previously deleted files if you choose.

When Active Protection is enabled, SpywareNuker tracks execution of every program in the system and notifies you if a program being started is a potential threat. If a threat is detected, SpywareNuker will pop up a message offering an option to prevent suspicious from running or to allow it to run. This is a critical method of protection and prevents your system from even becoming infected by spyware or adware.

Active Protection Alerts provide the ability to block or trust a program identified as a potential threat.

Stop this program – Causes the detected process to be stopped and not allowed to run. This is the recommended method and will prevent further infection of your system.

Trust this program – Causes the detected process to be allowed to run. Select this option if you wish to allow the execution of the process detected.

Apply always for this file – Adds the detected process to the Active Protection list so it can be automatically stopped or always trusted, depending on your selection, each time the process is detected in the future.

Размер (RAR): 7.92 Мб
Информация для воссстановления: 2%
без пароля


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